The normal sequence of bases that code for the protein
Because I got it right! and not only that but it also said "wants to determine what mutation changed" so they have to compare the normal to the new one to see what changed.
Transpiration Transpiration is the procedure of water evaporating from the surface of leaves. Ground water is carried through the roots to the under-side of a leaf, and then comes out through tiny pores. It then evaporates into vapour drops before dispersing into the atmosphere. The rates of transpiration get higher with the higher temperatures.
Binomial Nomenclature.
This method gives species a new name that consists of two latin names put together. The two latin names put together must be the species name and genus name.
<h2> Slave Economy of Cotton Plantation </h2>
- By 1850, of the 3.2 million oppressed individuals in the nation's fifteen slave states, 1.8 million were creating cotton. By 1850, of the 3.2 million oppressed individuals in the nation's fifteen slave states, For sure, American cotton before long made up 66% of the worldwide stockpile, and creation kept on taking off. 1.8 million were creating cotton
- About 75% of the cotton created in the United States was in the end traded abroad. Despite the fact that the bigger American and Atlantic markets depended on southern cotton right now, South likewise relied upon these business sectors for acquiring nourishment, produced merchandise, and credits. Hence, the market transformation changed the South similarly as it had a different region
Answer: the answer is A:Transpiration
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