Perhaps instead of cubicles, desks are organized in an open workspace which promotes collaboration (and makes it easier).
Darpa is an agency that emerges technologies for the military. I would say B. investigate technologies. This is logical because they are working with technologies investigating how, where, and why they need to emerge in the first place.
In Python:
cprice= int(input("Current price: "))
lmonth= int(input("Last month's price: "))
print("This house is $"+str(cprice))
print("The change is $"+str(cprice-lmonth)+" since last month")
print("The current mortage $"+str((cprice * 0.051) / 12)+" since last month")
Get current price
cprice= int(input("Current price: "))
Get last month's price
lmonth= int(input("Last month's price: "))
Print the current price
print("This house is $"+str(cprice))
Print the change
print("The change is $"+str(cprice-lmonth)+" since last month")
Print the mortgage
print("The current mortage $"+str((cprice * 0.051) / 12)+" since last month")
Class B would be the correct answer.