2INTRODUCTIONThe tourism literature has widely recognized that the service quality of the tourguide is a critical factor in achieving tourist satisfaction (Lopez, 1980; Geva &Goldman, 1991; Mossberg, 1995; Ap & Wong, 2001; Wong, 2001; Wang, Hsieh &Huan, 2000; Zhang & Chow, 2004; Black & Weiler, 2005), influencing traveloperator’s reputation and word-of-mouth publicity (Heung, 2008), and affecting theimage and revisit intention of a destination (Whipple & Tach, 1988; Chang, 2006; Sahin& Balta, 2007). On the other hand, destination governments and tourism industries areincreasingly aware of the need to improve the service quality of the tour guidingprofession; for instance by investing in training programs (Weiler & Ham, 2002; Dioko& Unakul, 2005) as well as quality assurance and regulatory mechanisms (Ap & Wong2001; Black & Weiler, 2005). This is a particularly pressing issue in many Asiandestinations in the face of fierce intra-regional competition.Macau is one of the destinations in Asia which faces strong competition fromestablished destinations in the neighborhood such as Hong Kong, Guangzhou andSingapore (Leong, 2007). Macau has been experiencing a rapid expansion of theinbound tourism market over the past decade. According to the Macau GovernmentTourists Office (MGTO) (MGTO, 2008a), visitor arrivals in 2007 exceeded 27 million,representing a growth of 22.7 per cent from 2006. The advent of the liberalization of thegaming industry in 2002 (Yong and Fu, 2006) and the resultant significant scaleexpansion of the casino business, as well as the relaxation of travel arrangements madeby the Mainland Chinese government have significantly contributed to the exponentialgrowth of Macau’s tourism industry in recent years.
The U.S.A. taxpayers (in the case of U.S.A. representatives and senators, that is).
Hirschi's social control theory is of the opinion that when an individual has strong ties to family, friends, school and other areas of the society, this reduces his inclination to deviant behavior. In this regard, it is therefore possible for everyone in the society to commit crimes. However, crime is avoided by those who maintain social bonds and family ties. Hence, once a ties are broken, the individual begins to commit crimes without any fear of consequence.
Alexander Hamilton was the founding father that implemented Adam Smith's policies as Treasury Secretary.
Alexander Hamilton was one of the foremost Founding Fathers as he was:
- the first Treasury Secretary
- founder of the Federalist party
- founder of the financial system of the United States
Alexander Hamilton credited Adam Smith with having espoused some of the policies that he drew inspiration from and these led him to come up with the financial system and establish trade with Britain whom he viewed as having an advantage in the production of certain goods(absolute advantage).
In conclusion, Alexander Hamilton paved the way for the financial system of a young country and kept it balanced such that it was able to move from strength to strength and he did so based on the principles of Adam West.
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B) self-serving bias.
Self-serving bias is a term used in social psychology to describe a form of cognitive bias whereby people tend to interpret or explain positive events as being caused by their personality or character, while they interpret the cause of negative events as brought about by external factors. In simple terms, people tend to attribute the cause of negative events to external factors while they take credit for positive events and believe it is because of their personality that such positive events was able to occur. This is usually done in an attempt to achieve self-esteem.