1-9 = 9 digits
10-99 = 180 digits
So if we continue the pattern to 99, there are 189 digits, and the last 5 digits would be 79899. Counting backwards: 189th = 9, 188th = 9, 187th = 8, 186th = 9, 185th = 7.
The 185th digit is 7.
I dont know
Step-by-step explanation:
This i dont know
It is better to buy the Purina dog food
Interest due at the end of 120 days
= 8500(120/365)(.09) = 251.51
so of his $4000 payment, $3748.49 will go towards reducing the debt.
so balance owing = 8500 - 3748.49
= 4751.51
interest for the remaining 80 days
= 4751.51(.09)(80/365) =93.73
total owing at the end = 4751.51+93.73
= $4845.23