Its false just look it up on google hope this helps.
Kathy is exhibiting a combination of efforts
Kathy used what she taught regarding her learning patterns with a deliberate effort to move along in her learning process. She is dedicated to the use of deliberate teaching approaches and is actively involved in the process. Kathy shows a combination of efforts. she deliberately using different ways or approach to build up her learning patterns.
not sure, even tho I'm mexican
The gravitational force is jointly proportional to the masses of the objects involved and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. You've mentioned distance, so the other contributor is
1. Mass
The answer is mesosystem. The mesosystem is the second level
of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. The mesosystem consists of
interactions between two microsystems. Like microsystems, mesosystems affect
the child directly. That is, the child is actively able to engage and socialize
with others in the mesosystem.