The student is wrong, just because the analogous structures of any two organism may have the same structure or even have the some relation between there way of operation or functions.
- <u>Analogous Structures:</u>
As the similarity between two or more different organisms structure or any organ does not means that they have same ancestors or have the common origin from which the evolve into two different species. Now analogous structures are very much similar in there structure physically, but two different organisms may use them for the same function, which is astonishing to see or observe in way different species.
As the structure of the flipper of a Dolphin has similarity with the phalanges of a human being and with the wings of the bat. As all of them functions for the basic need of movement or locomotion from one point to another. While, all the three species are very much different in there features and are not the same obviously.
The Correct Answer Is "A - Solar Day"
The correct answer is the cytoplasm is divides between the two new daughter cells Cytokinesis is the final stage of the cell cycle in which cytoplasm, the material within the living cell, divides into two daughter cells.
Unlike women, men do not experience a major, rapid (over several months) change in fertility as they age (like menopause). Instead, changes occur gradually during a process that some people call andropause. Aging changes in the male reproductive system occur primarily in the testes.
Cells are so little, so they can maximize their ratio of surface area to volume.
Smaller cells have a higher ratio which allows more molecules and ions to move across the cell membrane per unit of cytoplasmic volume. Cells are so small because they need to be able to get the nutrients in and the waste out quickly.