What You Need:
Cardboard pizza box (the kind delivered pizza comes in)
Box knife or scissors.
Aluminum foil.
Clear tape.
Plastic wrap (a heavy-duty or freezer zip lock bag will also work)
Black construction paper.
Ruler or wooden spoon.
The main content of the passage is to present a possible situation in which a violent leader imposes the law on the country by force ("at the point of the sword"), which presumably leads to many deaths. This was what has happened, in Paine's interpretation under William the Conqueror in England. The intention is to show that this situation is undesired in America and to encourage Americans to fight against such a government.
Independent Variable : Memory Drug
Dependent Variable : Story Quiz Score
In studying cause effect relationship between two relationships :
The causal variable leading to change in effected Variable is the Independent Variable. The effected variable being changed due to causing variable is the Dependent Variable.
So, studying : 'Memory Drug' impact - on 'Story Retention Quiz Score' implies that Memory Drug is the Independent Variable effecting Story Quiz Score & Story Quiz is the Dependent Variable being affected by Memory Drug.
This is false!
You should definitely not immediately break as sudden braking, especially with your tie broken could cause you to loose control of your car, which could be quite dangerous.
You should gently slow down and stop, but you should do it slowly and gently, without loosing control.