B. Crystalline structure
C. Types of chemical elements
D. Amounts of chemical elements
DNA is the genetic information used to make proteins, and it contains the hereditary traits of organisms. There are two types of DNA: mitochondrial DNA, which you can only get from your mother, and nuclear DNA, which is a combination of both your ancestors' DNA.
Produce nutrients and food, to convert light energy to chemical energy through the process call photosynthesis.
All living things contain carbon in some form. Carbon is the primary component of macromolecules, including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Carbon's molecular structure allows it to bond in many different ways and with many different elements.
Answer:The constituents of a solid can be arranged in two general ways: they can form a regular repeating three-dimensional structure called a crystal lattice, thus producing a crystalline solid, or they can aggregate with no particular order, in which case they form an amorphous solid (from the Greek ámorphos, meaning