Answer: To take the time to research your employer can benefit you in making sure you will be working in a place that will best work for you. Making sure your getting the best and fairest treatment for you work. To help be aware of the conditions you may or may not be working in/with. And you'll most likely be able to figure out if you'll get along well enough to work together. all together, making it quite important to take the time to research your employer before actively seeking employment.
I know this says college level, and i'm only a sophomore in high school. However, I really do hope that this can help! Best advise to rewrite this in your own wording if possible, make it better yourself.
Mersault's response to the chaplain is the deny of listening about God at his last moments, before his death, he says he does not have interest in the subject or time for it. Mearsault also tells he does not believe in God and when the chaplain claims that God justice is more important than the man justice he says they were the first one to blame him.
Mersault conclude that he lived in a certain way and he could have lived in other way. But now all his life made sense, why he did one thing or not another, now his absurd life was all in place.
This is one expression of existentialism thought because it reveals the absurd of our existences, the brutality of it as it is, with no prior purpose for his actions or life, which the man himself has to biuld and find along his path himself.
3 yes you need to conduct more research because you need to vary if your information is accurate.
Sometimes websites will give you a false answer and you just need to double-check or triple check to make sure that your answer is correct and is not. Because if used a minute then you get a bad grade on whatever it is.
More people will consider driving without passengers.
The number of letters in the word