A prime number is a whole number greater than one who's only factors are one and itself. The prime symbol is usually used to A) denote two distinct but similar objects or B) to denote the derivative. It could be described as a seperator.
It destroys there home by adding poisonous materials and substances a long with things they can choke on.
Global warming is a slow increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally created by the greenhouse effect. This effect is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.
There are multiple reasons for the variations in type, quality, and quantity in minerals, such as:
- place of formation, on the surface, or inside the ground and how deep inside.
- pressure; extremely important for the structure of the minerals as well as the mixing of mineral types.
- temperature; similar to the pressure, in fact in combination with it, affects the structure of the minerals.
- tectonic activity and volcanic activity; cause the other factors and are also responsible for the quantity of minerals.
d. Syncretism
a. Samba is a Brazilian dance
b. Patois is Haitian Creole and French