Sigmund Freud studied human behavior! Very interesting!
Nevertheless, slavery received important protections in the Constitution.
Nevertheless, slavery received important protections in the Constitution. The notorious three-fifths clause—which counted three-fifths of a state's slave population in apportioning representation—gave the South extra representation in the House of Representatives and extra votes in the Electoral College.
Each one of his trips were a different amount of time
One day, i was walking on a sidewalk where i saw many boats with sailors, there was this group of men that came and asked me if i wanted to go on a journey with them sailing on a boat just to explore, watch the sea, and catch awesome looking creatures that live under the sea AND FOR FREE!!!. I couldn't believe what i've been told! How could someone ask me such an odd question like this! But eventually, this was my very lucky day!! For the reason that i was longing for going on a boat and sailing somewhere so far. So why not say yes to them and do it?
Hope this really helps you my friend, with all my regards !!!^_~!!!