To convert mi/h to ft/sec, multiply it to 1.466.
So 3.4 mi/h x 1.466 = 4.986 ft/sec
Those are divisible by 7 so divide both sides by seven
the answer is 4:5
15.1 f
Step-by-step explanation:
-13.4+25.8= 15.1 F
There are 5 letters in the word "prime"
Imagine we had 5 slots to fill. They are empty initially.
Slot 1 has 5 choices to pick from
Once we pick a letter, we have 4 choices left over for slot 2
Slot 3 will have 3 choices
Slot 4 will have 2 choices
Slot 5 will have 1 choice
We have this countdown: 5,4,3,2,1
which multiplies out to 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
There are 120 unique ways to arrange the letters. Order matters. Because order matters, this is a permutation.