in the time it takes to identify the situation, enact a policy, and allow it to work, economic circumstances may have changed.
Fiscal policies would be specifically designed to address one particular economic condition.
When there are time lags in enacting and applying fiscal policy,the economic condition in the country could also be changed. Because of this, by the time the policies are enacted, they are no longer suitable to solve the problem that arise on the current economic condition.
Mahatma Gandhi made spinning on the charkha and the daily use of khadi , or a coarse cloth made from homespun yarn , very powerful symbols. these were not only symbols of self-reliance but also of resistance to the use of British mill-made cloth....;
its because they are trying to make money
Answer: Providing the highest level of health security worldwide.
These fragments are listed in official documents of the World Health Organization (WHO). There are several key goals of this organization. In the first place, it is 1. Leadership and coordination of critical matters related to public health. 2. Partnership with other health organizations in case of need. 3. Implementation and dissemination of new medical knowledge. 4. Advocacy of ethical and proven health or medical guidelines. 5. Monitoring the health situation globally and promoting healthy living trends.