37.68 is the correct answer
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Step-by-step explanation:
27.33333... mph
Step-by-step explanation:
Find 1/3 of 20 1/2: 1/3*41/2=41/6
That equals 6.83333...
Now add 20 1/2 and 6.83333 = 27.3333...
Therefore, 27.33333... mph
b. 45 N
Step-by-step explanation:
The sum of the forces exerted by the two miners = 25 + 20
= 45 N
Since after applying a force of 45 N by the two miners the cart remained stationary, it implies that a resistance force of at least 45 N acts against their push. Thus, the force exerted by the road could be equal to 45 N or greater than 45 N.
Probably, if the sum of the forces applied is 46 N, the cart would move. Which depends on the value of resistance force applied by the road. Thus, the appropriate answer from the given option is B.
Since the force applied on the cart equals the resistance force exerted by the road, the cart would not move.
From point A, draw a line segment at an angle to the given line, and about the same length. The exact length is not important. Set the compasses on A, and set its width to a bit less than one fifth of the length of the new line. Step the compasses along the line, marking off 5 arcs. Label the last one C. With the compasses' width set to CB, draw an arc from A just below it. With the compasses' width set to AC, draw an arc from B crossing the one drawn in step 4. This intersection is point D. Draw a line from D to B. Using the same compasses' width as used to step along AC, step the compasses from D along DB making 4 new arcs across the line. Draw lines between the corresponding points along AC and DB. Done. The lines divide the given line segment AB in to 5 congruent parts.