- Wind
- Sunlight
- Plants
- Soil
- Coal
- Minerals
- Water
- Animals
In short it's natural resources.
if we`ll not classify living beings then it`ll become difficult to study all of beings one by one. In order to make their study easier biologists have classified all living beings into five major groups.
Hi, there it's U-G-G
Hope this helps and correct :)
2) End Triassic
End Triassic extinction occurred 201 million years ago. It was caused by the rifting of super continent Pangea. Pangea started to break and drift apart. When North america started to separate from Africa, volcanic activity increased. Lava and a large amount of gas was released into the atmosphere specially carbon dioxide. This led to global warming like condition which ultimately caused extinction of a large number of species.
Ecological succession is a process of inhabiting a zoological area by a group of organisms. it involves many stages to reach the climax stage such as primary, secondary, tertiary names basing on the habitat where it occurs. once the organisms reach the most stable stage of the succession. thus it maintains equilibrium
Succession helps restore the equilibrium of an ecosystem by forming up new species, diversifying species, and basically by replacing the damaged, deranged, or disturbed community. For instance, when a sudden climate change occurred in a community, such as drought, dryness, fire, or heat waves, all living things that depends on water or survives in a cool, wet environment will die or migrate somewhere else. Thus, leaving that community vacant and/or unoccupied by any living things. Succession, then, will take place in that area by going through various stages until reaching the climax stage, in which the ecosystem is complete again. c: hope i helped :D