Answer:Each games had similarities, like both were popular games in their society; the activity was aimed to worship gods; also these events were used to find a candidate to sacrifice gods, so had kill endings; also, both were connected to their mythology. And finally, both of them where used as entertainment.
First blank: Higher
Second blank: Higher
Explanation: International trade refers to the exchange of capital, goods, and services among states or territories. It has a great impact on gross domestic product (GDP) of the territories involved.
However, since there is mutual dependence between the territories, the political and economic status of the states will influence there agreements and resolutions.
Hence, international trade results in higher exposure to international political risk and higher exposure to international economic conditions.
The term that is described above is irregular. This word explains things that are not exactly on point, not in position, this is used when things are not organized. The term regular on the other hand is completely opposite for they are use in defining things that are planned and more organized, things that are point and are in the exact line.
The question is missing two important elements. The question: "Where do you stand on this issue?" and Why?
The question also invites us to watch a video for further reference. It is a TV News Show that interviews a lawyer, expert in the subject of marriage and divorce.
What the lawyer basically says is that the law states that the give is good only if it meets the condition of marriage. This means that it is the property of the other person meanwhile people are married. In my opinion, the ring should be a symbol of commitment, not as expensive as it has become due to marketing and advertising. If it is a commitment and things do not result, then, the ring loses its true value and should be returned.