Words such as because, since, while, before, during, after, and instead of can link independent clauses or phrases and are called conjunctions.
Sudans Gov’t Executes Thousands of non-arab citizens.
A genocide can be defined as an illegitimate or unlawful killing of a large number of people because of their culture, religion, social status, political beliefs, ethnicity, race, and other issues.
This ultimately implies that, these group of people killed didn't commit any crime.
Hence, the newspaper headline that describes an act of genocide is Sudans Gov’t Executes Thousands of non-arab citizens. Therefore, the Sudanese government committed genocide by killing or executing non-arab citizens.
He was kind-hearted, unselfish, and always willing to give anything that he had to his companions.
Answer: An outline is the basic structure or “skeleton” of an essay. That is, it organizes the thesis, main points, and supporting evidence into a neat format that can be built off of to form the first draft of an essay.
Intro: thesis, introduce 2-3 main points
Body paragraphs 2-3: 1 main point for each paragraph, expand upon main point, provide evidence, explain impact of evidence, repeat, conclude paragraph with a strong statement
Conclusion: restate thesis, briefly go over 2-3 main points, strong closing decree.
First person point of view