A. organ.. B. Species
1. parts that make up organism are called as organs
2. a group of similar organisms that can successfully interbreed called as species.
They are co-dominance and incomplete dominance.
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Co-dominance occurs when both alleles in a heterozygous genotype for a trait are both equally expressed. An example is the human AB blood group, in which both the A and B alleles are equally expressed.
Incomplete dominance occurs when the heterozygous genotype for a trait is expressed as a blend. An example is blue feather color in chickens, in which a black allele and white allele together are expressed as blue feather color.
Two important factors is temperature and liquid water.
1. Cell Wall
2. Amount of Vacuoles
3. Plastids
4. Size
5. Plasmodesmata
1. Animal Cells dont have cell wall, while Plant Cells do.
2. Animal Cells contain many/ multiple vacuoles, while Plant Cells only contain one.
3. Animal Cells dont have plastids, Plant Cells do have (eg. Chloroplasts)
4. Animal Cells are larger in comparison to Plant Cells
5. Animal Cells dont have plasmodesmata while Plant Cells do have.