B. Sponsor critical infrastructure security and resilience-related research and development, demonstration projects, and pilot programs
The PPD-21 known as the Presidential Directive on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience is set up to advance national unity with an effort to stregthen and maintain secure and reisilient critical infrastructure.
To sponsor critical infrastructure security and resilience-related research and development, demonstration projects, and pilot programs is not part of what the PPD-21 is set up to achieve. Rather it is developed and implemented to:
• Perform critical infrastructure risk assessments; understanding dependencies and interdependencies;
• Developing and coordinating emergency response plans with appropriate Federal and SLTT government authorities;
• Establishing continuity plans and programs that facilitate the performance of lifeline functions during an incident;
People of various categories are found in cities, out of which 'Upper Class' and 'Lower Class' are two of the categories.
There are a number of categories in which an urban population is divided.
The category with the highest income and highest spending capacity is called 'Upper Class. The category with medium levels of income and expenditure is called the 'Middle Class'. The lowest of all categories is the 'Lower Class' which consists of people that have extremely low income and thus, a very low spending capacity.
The answer to the question would be one then does not discern the footprints of another which is in a way shall be wholly strange and also new. Hope this is the answer and would then be of big help.
Answer:Meso or Middle America.