An autocracy is what it’s called
They are named after Jimmie Angel, a US aviator, who was the first person to fly over the falls
Reliance on available subjects(convenient sampling)
Reliance on available subjects(convenient sampling): It is about relying on the subject that deals with the great caution factor in the research. It is also called a convenient sampling. In this sample, the researcher does not have any control over the representatives of the sample size. This sampling method is used to measure the characteristics of people at a particular time. Convenient sampling is used as a pilot study at the beginning of the research. So this is a useful method but the result outcomes are not generalized to the population.
The view of aging and the treatment of people in late adulthood in Asian cultures tends to be more positive than in Western cultures.
Asian cultures tend to <em>value their elders</em> more than Western cultures. Western cultures tend to be more ageist, meaning they tend to be more discriminative towards its elders.
Asian cultures have <em>more respect </em>and they view this as one of the <em>highest virtues</em>, mainly deriving from Confucian tradition.
On the other hand, Western cultures tend to only <em>focus on its youth</em>, putting the elders aside and <em>devaluating it. </em>