To multiply fractions, first we simplify the fractions if they are not in lowest terms. Then we multiply the numerators of the fractions to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominators of the fractions to get the new denominator.
pls give brainliest
Sally can paint a house in 4 hours; Which means in 1 hour she can paint 1/4th of the house.
John can paint the same house in 6 hours. Which means in 1 hour she can paint 1/6th of the house.
Together in 1 hour they can paint: - 1/4 + 1/6 = 5/12th of the house.
Total Hours for painting the house together will be 12/5 = 2.4 Hours.
So the answer is 2 hours and 24 minutes
Please mark as brainliest
Answer: Choice A

Recall that
. The connection between tangent and cotangent is simply involving the reciprocal
From this, we can say,

In the second to last step, a pair of sine terms cancel. In the last step, a pair of cosine terms cancel.
All of this shows why
is identical to 
is an identity. In mathematics, an identity is when both sides are the same thing for any allowed input in the domain.
You can visually confirm that
is the same as
by graphing each function (use x instead of alpha). You should note that both curves use the exact same set of points to form them. In other words, one curve is perfectly on top of the other. I recommend making the curves different colors so you can distinguish them a bit better.
You can just put the 10 over 1 and multiply across. Then simplify! Hope this helps (: