First convert 5 1/3 into a fraction which is 16/3.
16/3 divided by 7/8 is the same as 16/3 multiplied by 8/7. So you multiply the fractions together to get 128/21.
The volume is multiplied by 8. For example if you have a 1x1x1 cube the volume is 1. If you have a 2x2x2 cube the volume is 8. If you have a 4x4x4 the volume is 64.
Bae is the solution to this question
31.5 litres
Step-by-step explanation:
If Mel uses all 30 litres of yellow paint, then:
5 / 2 = 30 / x
5x = 60
x = 12
Mel would need 12 litres of blue paint, but she only has 9 litres. So the amount of yellow paint she needs is:
5 / 2 = x / 9
2x = 45
x = 22.5
Mel will use 22.5 litres of yellow paint with 9 litres of blue paint to make a total of 31.5 litres of green paint.