A cladogram is similar to Family Tree
A cladogram and a family tree both show relationships between common ancestors. It shows the relationship the organism but it is not same as evolutionary or family tree because it doesn’t show the relationship with ancestor to their descendent and also it doesn’t show how they changed.
Cladogram is type of diagram based result analysis. Clade is group of organism with their last similar ancestor. A cladogram is represented through lines.
An adaptation is a trait an animal has, physical or behavioral, that helps it survive or act in unique ways.
I thinking A. or B. but im sure it one of them. that's a 50% chance.
If the Na+ voltage-gated channels in a muscle cell open, the Na (sodium) ions rush inside the muscle cell and makes the cell more positive as Na ions carry positive charge on it. Due to the entry of positively charged ions inside the cell, the cell becomes less negative and more positive. This is called depolarization of cell.
Do you have a picture or something?