When people lift weights, microscopic damage (microtears) occurs to the myofibrils within the muscle fiber. These microtears stimulate the body's repair response. ... The increased number of myofibrils causes muscle fibers to enlarge, increasing their volume and size.
In DNA methylation, the most frequently methylated nitrogenous base is the cytosine. Its methylation is widespread in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Its rate of DNA methylation differs greatly between different species like Arabidopsis thaliana which is 8%, Physarum, 4%, Mus musculus, 2.3%, and etc.
With a higher surface area the cell is able to produce more ATP
Distribute the A to the B and the b, then the a to the B and the b. You should get four different possible combinations: AB Ab aB ab. These would then be used to set up one side of a punnett square, and the other parent's genotype would be set up the same, then put on the other side of the punnett square.