Answer and Explanation:
def loop(start, stop, step):
return_string = ""
if step == 0:
step = 1
if start > stop: # the bug was here, fixed it
step = abs(step) * -1
step = abs(step)
for count in range(start, stop, step):
return_string += str(count) + " "
return return_string.strip()
1. would be B.
2. would be D
3. May I ask if it can be multiple answers?
1. In coding a if statement has to follow if something is true or not. If we are talking about a if and then statement it will skip that block and move to the next block of the "then" part of the "if then" Statement if the first part is reported false
2. This is a easy one, so it has to be either a 3.25 GPA or higher or they have to have either 100 hours or more.
3. waiting for a comment back :)
It is true. You can copy and paste a picture into microsoft paint, using either the right click task bar or Ctrl c-ctrl v, you can then adjust the image to the desired size.
for count in range (5,8): numA=numA+count print(numA)
Perhaps I’m being 5tup1d but I think your describing open source soft in general. Linux and a lot of periphery that runs on Linux is open source so it did play a large role being that it’s not proprietary like Windows and windows adjacent soft.