1562 and the west coast of Africa
The transatlantic slave trade began during the 15th century when Portugal, and subsequently other European kingdoms, were finally able to expand overseas and reach Africa. The Portuguese first began to kidnap people from the west coast of Africa and to take those they enslaved back to Europe
I think it’s Nervous system
The 16th century is regarded by historians as the century in which the rise of Western civilization and the Age of the Islamic Gunpowders occurred European politics became dominated by religious conflicts, with the groundwork for the epochal Thirty Years' War being laid towards the end of the century.
GeoDesign majors are never confined to the classroom. Whether in a state-of-the-art graphics studio, an interactive research lab, or offsite geography course, GeoDesign majors benefit by working closely with faculty on important study and research.
Venture even further afield by conducting primary research over the summer with world-renowned experts and faculty in international locations. Apply urban planning, geospatial technologies and environmental design principles from abroad to address a Los Angeles-area societal challenge.
GeoDesign majors have presented their geography studies and other research at numerous conferences around the country tacking topics such as:
light pollution affecting wildlife, the human experience, and astronomical observations throughout the US National Park System;
spatial aspects of adapting to climate change and the specific risks for cities in the US and around the world;
spatial inequities in access to water throughout Greater LA;
spatial complexities and institutional racism in City of Los Angeles hospital facilities;
3D visualization of building exteriors and interiors to generate real-time routes for emergency responder, disability access, strategic planning, and other essential services; and
spatial inequities in those eligible for and utilizing the Cal-Fresh Benefits program.
Be among the first. Our unique academic collaboration and combination of approaches from architecture, planning, and geospatial science, make the USC B.S. in GeoDesign the first undergraduate interdisciplinary program of its kind.
Mlk and Malcolm X were both civil rights leaders during the 1960s. Both were excellent speakers and shared one goal.They were also both respected leaders of the American Civil Rights movement, struggling for racial equality and freedom.