not sure...................................................
Professional orientation
Professional orientation is the most important activity applied in the workplace. Professional orientation makes help people making in the decision regarding their problems, business-related, their training, and their future occupation. It is a set of services activities that allow individuals to decide on their career, education, occupation and, manage their career. It also helps individuals to understand their aspirations, the internet, competencies personal characteristics and qualification and skills and linking them to desirable work opportunities.
Motor neurons- Ashley's motor neurons allow her to press the gas pedal in her car.
Retinal disparity- Ashley uses the difference between the images on her two retinas to judge the distance between her car and the car in front of her.
Heuristic- When Ashley got lost, she decided to call her parents for help.
Procedural memory- Because she has been driving for several years, Ashley can steer and control the speed of her car.
Circadian rhythms- Because she has to cross different time zones, Ashley will have to drive when she would normally be asleep, putting her at risk for an accident.
Inattentional blindness- Because she wasn't paying attention, Ashley didn't see the car in front of her, and she rear- ended it.
The royal colony is a colony governed by the crown or government