Land restoration can include the process of cleaning up and rehabilitating a site that has sustained environmental degradation, such as those by natural cause (desertification) and those caused by human activity (strip mining), to restore that area back to its natural state as a wildlife home and balanced habitat.
- setting up reliable water provisioning (e.g. by digging wells or placing long-distance water pipes)
- stabilizing and fixating the soil
So basically genes are made of DNA molecules. DNA molecules are the building blocks of genes.... if you think about legos for a second the building blocks of legos would be plastic right? because without plastic you don't have legos which is same here... genes are legos and DNA molecules are the plastic that make them (if you get my analogy).
So genes are the information carriers because they carry information on how to make a certain protein or express certain characteristics. Gene directs the cell to make certain proteins and proteins are the key players that are involved in many cellular process because they carry out major functions hence, the protein determine the function of cell because without protein the cell would have no function
Hypothalamus is a part of the brain that links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. It helps maintain the internal environment constant by regulating major processes in the body such as the heart rate and the body temperature. It is therefore, both a neural and endocrine organ.
How hard the blood pushes on the inside of the blood vessels is called Blood Pressure
The total amount of blood the heart pumps in one minute is called Cardiac Output
When blood vessels open wider during exercise, they are said to dilate
How many times your heart beats in one minute is called Heart Rate
The force that can put unhealthy tension on the heart as it is pumping is called Blood pressure
The amount of blood the heart pumps out in one beat is called Stroke volume.
All this concepts to the heart and cardiovascular system. It is important to know how heart is functioning to see how blood circulates.
Dependant Chickens Eating,
Independant: Days
Day 3, 5.5 . Day 6, 14
Chickens Eating over Time
Line graph because it displays a single point of info over time.