As you grow and mature, you will be given more responsibilities. At what age do you think family members should be expected to h
elp take care of the home? Is there a better way than age to decide someone's level of resonsibility? How much responsibility should be placed on different family members? Explain your reasoning.
<u>I think around the age of 13-15. Although, some may say thats the worst time I dont think so. They will never learn anything if you dont let them try. How will they lve on their own if they dont know the challenges ahead of them. Yes, age DOES NOT always matter. BUT you could trust an 8-year-old to do things you may ask more than a 13 year old. Its more so matters how the childs obediance levels are and the household. It depends, for example, my 19 year old sister. I trust my 8 year old brother more than her. Lying, sneaking, and all those things make me decide. </u>
The hamstrings are the agonist and the quadriceps are the antagonist. In the contact and recovery phase, the quadriceps contract to extend the knee while the hamstrings lengthen to allow the movement