Maddie should ask her doctor what the terms he/she used (that she didn't understand) mean. Or she can go the sarcastic route and just say "In English please."
Yea daddy it was a very choice but then had 3 head then go
Tolerance is one aspect of physical dependence. It's basically when your body gets used to a medication and you no longer get the same amount of pain relief from a given dose of the medication. A person needs to continue to increase the dose of the medication in order to get the same effect.
Withdrawal is another component of physical dependence. That's when the medication is stopped abruptly or the dose is lowered too quickly and a person experiences unpleasant symptoms
Myasthenia gravis, is a disease that can't be cured treatment may help but it won't sure the disease.
The condition is caused by a breakdown in communication between nerves and muscles.Symptoms include weakness in the arm and leg muscles, double vision, and difficulties with speech and chewing.Medications, therapy, and surgery can help.