A human gene was initially identified as having three exons and two introns. The exons are 456, 224, and 524 bp, whereas the int
rons are 2.3 kb and 4.6 kb. Required:
a. Draw this gene, showing the promoter, introns, exons, and transcription start and stop sites.
b. Surprisingly, this gene is found to encode not one but two mRNAs that have only 224 nucleotides in common. The original mRNA is 1204 nucleotides, and the new mRNA is 2524 nucleotides. Use your drawing to show how this one region of DNA can encode these two transcripts.
Acetylcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter secreted by motor neurons innervating skeletal muscle.
However, norepinephrine, gamma aminobutyric acid, and cholinesterase are not excitatory neurotransmitter secreted by motor neurons innervating skeletal muscle.