Reservoir levels have increased
Unconscious information processing
When an unconscious prototype occurs, it occurs due to automatic processing in the brain. It occurs without any initiation from the side of the intention. It occurs automatically. The theory of automatically occur independently. Many tasks are cue dependent and others are context-dependent. So in many tasks, we are not aware of the environment and automatically we completed tasks. For example, riding a bicycle, driving a car, these are the example of automatic unconscious information processing.
Thus normally sighted people who were disabled in seeing due to magnetic stimulation. These people never feel a sense of emotions expressed on the face. It illustrates the best capacity of unconscious information processing.
Explanation: There are various types of pollution and not all of these are restricted to cities.
For example pollution may result from improper disposal of waste and this is very likely to also occur in rural areas where you find that people may just dump waste on the rivers and lakes which in return affect activities such as fishing and swimming. Even the industrial water which may be dumped from the cities will still be carried away by rivers to reach other areas away from the cities. Nutrient pollution also comes from rural areas where there is a lot of farming happening and a high use of fertilizers , pesticides and herbicides which also have an impact as they get washed into the rivers and impact the quality of water such that the water becomes undrinkable.
So pollution is everywhere and there are different kinds of it.