<span>Vitamins are classified as either
fat soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K) or water soluble (vitamins B and
C). This difference between the two groups is very important. It
determines how each vitamin acts within the body. Fat soluble vitamins,
once they have been stored in tissues in the body, tend to remain there.
This means that if a person takes in too much of a fat soluble vitamin,
over time they can have too much of that vitamin present in their body,
a potentially dangerous condition called hypervitaminosis (literally,
too much vitamin in the body). Water-soluble vitamins, including
vitamins C and B, are excreted much more quickly than fat-soluble
vitamins, and they need to be replaced more frequently.</span>
When did you first notice your child acting different.? How long has this beem going on? What is the las thing thwy ate or drank. Do they have any illnesses that you know of and if so are they on medication now for it. how much do you dose your child for their.condition.
<span>An elementary student with special needs would be someone needing an advocate.
Those that are underfed and underweight suffer from protein and lack the nutrients in there body and those that are overfed and overweight can suffer from many things including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.
Carcinogen i think this is the answer