This is hazardous for children, especially younger children, because they are a choking hazard if they put the toy prices in their mouths and choke. What I would say to the parent is to maybe see the age range for the toy and think about if that toy is for children.
The question only makes sense if you specify that
you're talking about the same amount of each.
Olive oil . . . . . 120 calories / Tablespoon
Table sugar . . . 22.5 calories / Tablespoon
In equal volumes, olive oil has a little more than
5 times the calories of granulated sugar.
Sesame oil, soybean oil, almond oil, canola oil, corm oil,
cottonseed oil, flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil, palm oil,
macadamia nut oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, walnut oil,
wheatgerm oil, and sunflower oil are all virtually identical
to olive oil in calorie content, but their saturated fat content
is different.
There's six main functions of the skeletal system
1 - Support
Provides structural support for the entire body.
2 - Protection
Surrounds soft tissue- ex. ribs and sternum protect the heart and lungs, - skull protects the brain.
3 - Movement
Skeletal muscle is attached to bone so it pulls on the bone when it contracts.
4 - Mineral homeostasis
Stores calcium and phosphorus--minerals are released into the blood when needed.
5 - Blood cell production
Red bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells and other blood elements.
6 - Storage
Storage of minerals and lipids(fats)---yellow marrow stores fat --(found in long bones).
This pressure is your systolic pressure, astollic is the rhythmic change in bp..