1. disfruta de derechos humanos básicos como el derecho a la vida, la libertad y la seguridad de la persona; libertad de la esclavitud o la tortura; el derecho a igual protección de la ley y no ser discriminado; libertad frente a detenciones y detenciones arbitrarias; la presunción de inocencia; y libertad de asociación, religión y expresión.
2. La Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) es un foro importante para la diplomacia regional y se ha vuelto más asertiva en la promoción del estado de derecho, los derechos humanos y elecciones justas a medida que algunos estados enfrentan trastornos internos.
3. El derecho internacional es consensual, entre iguales. Las naciones afirman que son el nivel superior, que nadie tiene autoridad sobre ellas en sus territorios. Luego hacen tratados y celebran convenciones como iguales. Cuando la mayoría de los países han suscrito una convención, esto se denomina vagamente “derecho internacional” y se considera que tiene algún efecto incluso en aquellos que no la han suscrito. Pero, en general, el único castigo por infringir tales convenciones son las sanciones, la eliminación del reconocimiento diplomático o, en casos extremos, la guerra.
4. La Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos articula los derechos y libertades fundamentales para todos. La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas adoptó la Declaración el 10 de diciembre de 1948.
espero que esto ayude
The Articles established a national government during the American Revolution.
The House has several powers assigned exclusively to it, including the power to initiate revenue bills, impeach federal officials, and elect the President in the case of an electoral college tie.
Confirmation bias is the tendency for people with strong prior beliefs, when confronted with a choice, to make their decisions based on assumptions they’ve already made.
Confirmation bias is a tendency in human behavior to unknowingly be selectively aware of information that confirms our own perceptions. Confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias.
If you have a negative self-image, you tend to get stuck on criticism and not hear praise. Scientific researchers, too, tend to be selectively aware of research results that are consistent with their own theory and unconsciously ignore those that contradict it. A confirmation bias risks leading to a superstition on personal opinions, while rebuttal and alternative sources are ignored. This can lead to disastrously wrong decisions, especially in scientific, political and military contexts.
Since Hinduism isn't an organized religion, there is no single or systematic approach to understanding or teaching its "value system", however there are several core beliefs that are held across the religion which help us grasp their basic ideology. The only god that Hindus believe in is Brahman, a formless yet eternal being. Along with their god, Hindu scriptures can be found in The Vedas, which contains revelations received by ancients in the religion. Those who practice Hinduism most likely hold the belief that truth is eternal. However even more importantly, the main goal of Hinduism is to achieve Dharma, which is essentially one's true calling or purpose in life. The ideology of Hinduism suggests that our souls are immortal, meaning that the actions of a soul residing in a body will reap the consequences of those actions in the next life. Same soul, different body. The final notable aspect of the ideology is the concept of Moksha. For Hindus, this is the ultimate goal of the soul. It is a process of liberation where the soul is released from the consistent cycle of death followed by rebirth. This is instead where the soul meets with Brahman. Path of duty, knowledge, and devotion are what brings a soul to Moksha.