What do you need help on ion social studies
Crossroads:Located in the center of Louisiana, the Crossroads region was once known as "No Man's Land," and wasn't included in the original purchase in 1803. But times have changed and this area is now notorious for its rich culture and beautiful and diverse natural habitat
3 - Mental illness
4 - predestination
Doreathea Dix wan and advocate for te mentally ill in the 19th Century and created the first mental asylums.
Predestination is the believe that it doesn't matter what a person does in their life - they are pre-destined to go to heaven or hell.
Sneferu well known under his Hellenized name Soris was the founding pharaoh of the Fourth ... Sneferu was the first king of the fourth dynasty of ancient Egypt, who according to Manetho reigned for 24 years ... I might be wrong sorry
Whenever a collision occurs on the road, the best thing to do is to move somewhere where you will be in the least amount of danger, and also not endanger other drivers. In this case it would be best to move to the other side of the road, at the furthest possible location from the collision. Parking near the collision puts people in danger as emergency services have to then move around the vehicle and this will take them longer.