The stereotype of being an amateur sport, Golf and Tennis, and also considered as upper-class, effete, country club sports. These sports have been overtaken the amateur in importance.
In overtaken the amateur Golf, Royal and Ancient and ST. Andrew Club becomes major establishments and driven force behind growing the game during the 19th century.
Golf competition ad tournament is considered as Pro vs. Amateur. Pros professional were just seen as employees of the club and couldn't play with other members they were not allowed in the clubhouse
USGA stands for United States Golf Association was formed to provide rules, uniforms for the game and arrange and see both the amateur tournament and US Open. Walter Hagen was the golf player known for his showmanship and aggressive style that changed the perception for the professional golfers
- First Wimbledon arranged in 1877. USLTA or United States Lawn Tennis Association established for Tennis amateurs as well as professionals. Jack Kramer is responsible for major tennis tournaments and overtakes the stereotype of amateur sports.
The KISS principle.
Keep It Simple, Stupid.
The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple (not simpler) rather than if they are made complicated. That is to say that, simplicity should be the most important thing (key goal) in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
For example to persuade someone, use simple and clear language rather than complex big grammar(erudition). Use words that people will easily understand. Keep sentences short and straight to the point. Use straightforward sentence construction. If speaking to a group, speak so the person least likely to understand that way you would use the simplest of languages, thus making it possible for everyone to understand you.
An example of where the KISS principle was ignored:
A politician who wants to reform both tax and local services, and use the message, 'You pay your tax, we alleviate your poverty'.
Consequences: People may not comply because they don't understand what alleviation of poverty means.
An Example of where the KISS principle was followed and its consequences:
A marketer that works to find a simple message for promoting toothpaste and might come up with 'For a cleaner, brighter, happier life'.
Consequences: He will have more sells and more customers because everyone understands what he is talking about.
<u>De facto knowledge:</u>
It is used to describe that is something exist but that is not officially accepted and recognized. It is not the fact, but it is something about the facts. It comes from a Latin phrase that means in reality over as a matter of facts in legal contexts, de facto describes what happens.
<u>Priori knowledge:
Priori means what is before were used in the philosophy that originally to distinguishes between arguments from the causes and arguments from the effects. Here are arguments of prior said to cause to the effect.
- <em>Powers of Congress
- <em>Power to Tax and Spend</em>
Congress additionally has the <em>ability to set up post workplaces and post streets, issue licenses and copyrights, fix benchmarks of loads and measures, build up courts mediocre compared to the Supreme Court. </em>
And To make all laws which will be important and appropriate for conveying into execution the prior forces, and every single other influence.
These incorporate the ability to pronounce war, <em>coin cash, raise a military and naval force, manage trade,</em> set up rules of movement and naturalization, and set up the government courts and their wards.