<h3 /><h3>How do rock types contribute to the rate of weathering?</h3>
<em>;</em><em> </em><em> </em><em>Certain types of rock are very resistant to weathering. Igneous rocks, especially intrusive igneous rocks such as granite, weather slowly because it is hard for water to penetrate them. Other types of rock, such as limestone, are easily weathered because they dissolve in weak acids.</em></h3>
<em>Hope</em><em> </em><em>it's</em><em> </em><em>helpful</em><em> </em><em>to</em><em> </em><em>you</em><em> </em><em>please</em><em> </em><em>rate</em><em> </em><em>me</em><em> </em><em>and</em><em> </em><em>like</em><em> </em><em>my</em><em> </em><em>answer</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em></h3>
Both reactivity and electronegativity decrease down a group.
I'm assuming this is multiple choice...
Imma be honest im in the 7th grade I never took the SATs but this stuff looks hard no cap
i have no explanation