His theory is called the Social constructivism.
According to this theory, the potential development varies according to the level at which the learning takes place. It is composed of cognitive structures that are in the process of maturation, but that can only be developed with the guidance and collaboration of third parties. Vygotsky was a cognitivist, but he disagreed with the assumption that learning was independent of the social context. He considered that all cognitive functions originate in social interactions and that learning not only ivolves the assimilation and adaptation of new knowledge by students. For Vygotsky it is a process in which the learners are integrated into a community of knowledge.
relational aggression.
Relational aggression: In psychology, the term "relational aggression" is also referred to as "alternative aggression" and is described as one of the different types of aggression wherein harm is being caused as a consequence of damaging another person's social or relationships status. Therefore, relational aggression can be used in a variety of context including distinct age groups and is mostly found in adolescents.
In the question above, the given statement represents relational aggression.
Catholic churches are not tied to any one country but the head of the Catholic Church is Vatican states located in Italy.
It is the oldest church in Vatican which had played a pivotal role in the development of western civilization. It practices the original Christian faith. It considers bishop to be the successor of saint peter. Catholicism is spread in Rome and it developed with new ideas in Rome.
Paganism and other beliefs were subdued due to the spread of Catholicism and under the great monarch called Constantine who embraced catholic faith, the whole Christianity religion flourished. It is the oldest and largest internationally recognized religious organization.
Attempts to instruct and edify the audience as well as entertain it by presenting a story with a clear moral were called morality plays. Morality plays are a type of allegory in which the protagonist is met by personifications of various moral attributes that help him on his way to good.