The answer is Only the occupation of Wounded Knee resulted in the deaths of several people. The occupation of Alcatraz was inhabitants of Alcatraz island for the purpose of raising awareness about the unfair treatment of the American Indians and no deaths occurred. At the Massacre of Wounded Knee an estimated 150 Indians were killed not to mention U.S. soldiers.
Prejudice is a negative preconception of of an individual that often leads to unfavourable attitude towards such individual. Prejudice may arise from a baseless stereotyped beliefs about an individual's gender, social class, age, beliefs, values, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, political affiliation, nationality, beauty, occupation, education or other personal characteristics that can influence (especially negatively) how a person behaves towards such individual.
From this question, the white student has prejudiced opinion about the concert based on the ethnic background of the Chinese students
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The biggest and most notable reason why oligopolies exist is collaboration. A lot of Firms see more economic advantages in collaborating on a precise price than in trying to battle and drag price competitively with their competitors. By controlling prices in a cartel like way, oligopolies are able to raise their difficulty to entry.
A few oligopolists whose products I make use of are GMC, Samsung, Dell, Apple, UPS, and BP.
Oligopoly is differentiated from monopolistic competition in that oligopoly is comprised of a small number of businesses and they have distinguished or homogeneous products and trying to break-in into their line of business is very difficult.
i have never ever thought
Blood Payment is what she asks for
She wanted blood payment even at all these times when she could ask for various things.