All records of patients fall under the HIPPA privacy act. When more than one person handles records, things are misplaced, lost, disorganized and fall into the wrong hands. Your confidentiality is very important when disclosing information to the hospitals. Your bank account information, license and social security number are also on their forms.
Exercise is important for your body to function and will make you much healthier when you are older
Radio waves from smartphones may be carcinogenic - Mobile phones and their towers generate radio waves. Several studies have suggested that though low frequency radio waves aren’t harmful to humans, but over exposure to them may lead to tumours in the body.
Smartphones cause anxiety, increased stress - Cancer aside, smartphones cause a variety of health issues. They have been found to increase anxiety and mental stress in teens. Mobile radiations may also cause learning disabilities and lowered IQ in infants, according to some reports.
Because semen swims upstream. The bladder is not located above the vagina (internally). If the ejaculation takes place in the vagina, the semen will swim up towards the cervix.
Hypoglycemia additionally regarded as low blood sugar, is when blood sugar decreases to under regular levels. The symptoms are Confusion, loss of conscious, Bother talking or death and also a feeling of sweating, shakiness and hunger.