Payday loans are B. harder to pay back because of low fees and high intesest rates. Payday laons are small amount loans that are given to a person with a high interest rate. These loans are deemed to be paid back to the lender when the borrow receives their next paycheck.
A composite unit is a set of different products grouped together in proportion to their sales mix. The unit is a basis for grouping products from different segments of an entity together with the aim of managing inventory levels, break even points, and sales.
The selling price of the composite unit can be calculated as follows:
||Bicycle model |No. of bicycles |Unit selling price |Total per composite unit
|Youth models| 5 | 440 | 2,200
|Adult models| 9 | 990 | 8,910
|Recreational models| 6 | 1,140 | <u>10,260</u>
Selling price per composite unit <u>21,370</u>
<u>investing activities:</u>
acquisition of land (211,000)
sale of land (101,000)
<u>Operating Activities:</u>
gain on sale: NO EFFECT if direct method is used
adjusting the net income if the indirect method is used.
The cash disbursmenets and cash proceeds fro mthe purhcase and sale of land respectevely will appear as investing activities.
The gain on the sale will adjust the net incoem if the company used indirect method to determinatethe cash from operating activities.
As is a non-monetary term It will be removed.
If the company used the direct method there will be no mention to the gain on sale.
International market exchange, as well as the finance of multiples countries
The answer is option D. B<span>usiness financial management]
The job of Business Financial managers cut across many sectors; their job is to see to </span><span>the </span>financial<span> health of an organization, by produce </span>financial<span> reports, directing investment activities, and developing strategies and plans for the long-term </span>financial<span> goals of their organization. As such, they are employed not only in private companies and non-profits, but also in such places as </span><span>hospitals, department stores, and car manufacturring firms.</span>