Autonomy vs. shame and doubt is Erikson's term for the period during which toddlers (aged 18 months to 3 years) develop independence and autonomy if they are allowed the freedom to explore, or shame and self-doubt if they are restricted and overprotected. In this stage, they develop an important virtue of “will” where their parents play a major role in molding such quality. For example, they can learn at this stage on how to go to the toilet on their own or even clothe themselves.
A career cluster is a group of like careers that allow you to pick different types of sections within the same career. Marketing refers to public relations, advertising, sales and planning. Each of these sections are very important to make sure the marketing plan goes as planned and completes what it was intended to do. The cluster of different sections make up the entire marketing career which are essential to make sure the advertising is completed.
efficiently, effectively
Management can be regarded as coordination as well as administration of set and various tasks within an organization so that some set goals cn be achieved. Some of the administration activities to reach these goal could be putting up a strategy
as well as coordination of the efforts of employees as well as utilization of available resources.
It should be noted that Management is a process designed to achieve an organization's objectives by using its resources efficiently (accomplishing the objectives with a minimum of resources) and effectively
(having the intended result).
Firms can raise the financial capital they need to pay for such projects in four main ways: (1) from early-stage investors; (2) by reinvesting profits; (3) by borrowing through banks or bonds; and (4) by selling stock. When owners of a business choose sources of financial capital, they also choose how to pay for them.
ummmm I ain't sure if this is the answer you need please read properly before you write