20 is the greatest common denominator. You can find this by listing the factors of each number. The highest number that can fit into both individual numbers is the common denominator. Since 40 is just 20 doubled, and 20 is just 20 once, it fits into both numbers and is also the highest number that can fit.
its B
Step-by-step explanation:
Dividing two decimals means that we need to make the following math operation:
According to the following definition:
We can prove that our result is correct by multiplying the divisor by the quotient plus the reminder and verifying that this result matches the dividend. Also, we can use a calculator to prove that.
The goal of this function is to get a positive value under the square root sign so that the value would not be invalid. Evaluating F(3,1), the value is 1 + <span>sqrt(4-1^2) or equal to 1 + sqrt of 3.</span> In this case, the domain would be x equal to any numbers and the range equal to numbers from -2 ≤ y ≤ 2.
Step-by-step explanation: