The answer : Extended Problem Solving.
- This is a Principle of Marketing.
- A consumer purchases products when he is in need of them. During the process of purchase he encounters one of the three types of problem solving. They are:
- Routine Problem Solving: Here the consumer usually has a complete knowledge about the good that he is buying as he buys the good very often.
- Limited Problem Solving: Here the consumer is aware of the characteristics, features, specifications and also the regular brands available for the good that he is buying. He is also conscious about the parameters that need to be checked for buying the good. But he might have encountered a new brand of the particular good that he wants to buy and he is unaware of qualities and features of the new brand.
- Extended problem solving: Here the consumer have no knowledge and is completely unaware about a particular product. He neither knows the features or characteristics nor the parameters on the basis of which the quality of the product can be judged.
- As Miller is engaged in Extended problem solving and has no prior knowledge of the product, he is studying the information available in the label of all the bacon brands.
the others are formed from other things
They work together to give the cells the ingredients they need to produce energy.
Answer: Audiovisual mirror neurons and action recognition
These are groups of neurons in the ventral premotor complex, that discharge responses both when the an individual performs a specific action and when he hears or see the same action executed by another person.