Be informed by reading more about your child’s learning and thinking differences, It can help you be familiar with a child’s specific challenges. Explore the child’s strengthe , build relationships by getting to know everything about the child/ children involved .
Ask questions from parents , teachers ,phychologist, and other care givers and create an open line for communication for both you and the child/children involved
Stay calm and and always Remember that you're part of the team.
Know your child's rights by learning about child right.
Talk to your child by communicating regularly.
Attend seminars and child advocacy programs.
Some health benefits is that it reduces health risks, it can help improve your mood and it helps control your weight
The most appropriate nursing diagnosis would be:
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to unmet cultural food preferences
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements in women mainly occurs when a higher incidence regarding voluntary restriction of food intake secondary to anorexia, bulimia, and self-constructed fad dieting.
Here are some factors that may be related to Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements:
Inability to absorb or metabolize foods
Inability to digest foods
Inability to ingest foods
Inability to procure adequate amounts of food
Increased metabolic needs caused by disease process or therapy
Knowledge deficit
Unwillingness to eat
Marie's sister is using <u>subgoals</u> to help Marie solve her problem.
A goal can be described as any wish or ambition of a person which he/she tries to accomplish. Subgoals are the mini-goal steps that a person takes to move towards his/her goal.
As in the above scenario, Marie's goal is to clear the total mess of her dorm room. Her sister helps her by assigning small sub-goals to reach Marie's task. She tells her to start with a sub-goal of putting dirty clothes in the hamper. When that goal is achieved, a next sub-goal of putting away books and papers is taken over. Hence, these sub-goals will eventually make Marie complete her goal.
Being overweight or obese.
Lack of physical activity.
Too much salt in the diet.
Too much alcohol consumption (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
Older age.
Cardiac output.
Peripheral vascular resistance.
Volume of circulating blood.
Viscosity of blood.
Elasticity of vessels walls.
Explanation: A lot of things acually.