Compounds are made up of two or more elements which are chemically bonded. The elements and the properties of the compound are different. Exposure to light and chemical reaction can break compounds into elements. Compounds are only chemically separated not physically. The mass of elements determined the mass of the compound.
A demarc is where one network ends and another begins. Demarc stands for demarcation point. It is the physical point at which the public network of a telecommunications company ends and the private network of a customer begins.
However, the distinction between where one category of network begins and another ends is sometimes blurry.
Bodily functions that help keep it stable. Like sweating when your are hot keeps your body at a cooler temperature rather then burning up.
When AncestryDNA launched in 2012, we compared your DNA against 22 possible regions. We now have more than 1,500.
Hypotheses must be provable. If scientists cannot prove a "hypothesis" right or wrong, they need to change it to a legitimate hypothesis - something you can prove.
If it is proven wrong, they can change certain aspects of it to make a more specific experiment.