To secure him so anything happens to the president
Three strategies which parents may use to encourage their children to communicate with them are:
1. Talk with them and try to understand what they are saying.
2. Play with them and sometimes watch movies with them.
3. Try to communicate with them by many fun activities like playing with them.
FACTS: Radio wave is not a sound wave. It is a electromagnetic wave.
Electromgnetic waves are super fast. They travel at the speed of light
Radio waves bounces around the Earth and clouds.
Biological and social are not mutually exclusive. Many animals, especially mammals are social to a certain degree, some more than others.
Precocial animals (turkeys, bunnies) are born with just about everything they need to survive and require little parental time (sometimes just months).
Altricial animals (humans are altricial) require longer parental time to learn everything they need to function as adults.
It was there own way of communicating which can improve various things.