Lupercalia and Saturnalia were two major holidays in Rome. Lupercalia was a holiday that was filled with animal sacrifice and random coupling in hopes of warding off evil spirits and fertility. Saturnalia was quite the opposite, a holiday for gambling, singing, dancing, feasting, and giving gifts. It was a bit like Christmas, in a way.
Answer: En esencia, fue la desconfianza entre —y la militarización de— la informal «Triple Entente» (Gran Bretaña, Francia y Rusia) y la secreta «Triple Alianza» (Alemania, el Imperio austrohúngaro e Italia). ... Austria-Hungría culpó a Serbia por el ataque. Rusia respaldó a su aliado, Serbia.
answer:Ethiopia achieved international prestige with its uniquely successful military resistance during the late 19th-century Scramble for Africa, becoming the only African country to defeat a European colonial power and retain its sovereignty.
Religion played a deep role in the lives of Slaves during the start of the 1740’s. It brought blacks and whites together to share their religion and join together in worshiping God. Religious Revival began in 1740 called the Great Awakening which swept through the North and South all through the 1780’s. There is no doubt that Religion was a major breakthrough in reminded people that slavery was not compatible with Christianity, an argument that a Quaker John Woolman made in his argument against slavery. The Great Awakening Revival did not generally challenge slavery, but was able to get people from both races to join together and enjoy their religion.