1- Adjustment disorder --- depression or anxiety developed in response to a stressful situation
2- Anxiety --- nervousness
3- Depression --- mental illness characterized by sadness
4- Manic depressive --- mental illness characterized by rapidly changing moods
5- Obsessive compulsive --- recurrent, unwanted thoughts coupled with actions which seem purposeless
6- Passive-aggressive --- social interaction based on hidden anger
7- Personality disorder --- various kinds of inappropriate social interactions with people and situations
8- Phobia --- excessive fear of something
9- Psychosis --- severe mental illness
10- Schizophrenia --- a mental illness characterized by disordered thinking, hallucinations, and a reduced ability to feel normal emotions
1- An adjustment disorder is a mental disorder that occurs in response to the emotional and psychological stress that arises with important changes in life (for example, death, marriage, social developments, etc).
2- From a psychiatric point of view, anxiety is a complex combination of emotions, including fear, evil premonitions and fears. It is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as palpitations, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, shaking hands. Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state whose cause cannot be defined.
3- Depression is a mental illness where the patient feels depressed and unwell; often, this disease also makes him feel ill and lack confidence, losing interest in the things that usually excite him.
4- Manic depressive disorder is a mental illness that periodically raises the mood for mania or slight hypomania. The same people are usually also affected by severe depression, but symptoms of depression can also occur during manic periods. Alternatively, the episodes may be mixed with intense and rapid shifts between them.
5- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior. Obsessions are repetitive thoughts that can be seen as irrational, but cannot be ignored. It can be serious, but it can be treated.
6- Passive-aggressive behavior is a behavior in which a person engages in passive resistance to the demands of social and professional activities. Passive-aggressive behavior manifests itself as helplessness, stubbornness, postponing or abandoning tasks or things, jealousy or resentment, and deliberate or repeated failure to perform the tasks for which the person is usually solely responsible.
7- Personality disorders form a class of mental disorder that is characterized by interpersonal patterns of behavior so deviant that the individual's performance in both professional and private life may be compromised.
8- Phobia is the term for a sickly fear or disgust for something. A phobia can be very devastating for the person suffering it. The treatment of a phobia may involve analyzing the origin of the fear and then releasing the patient from his emotional load.
9- Psychosis is a serious mental state that can be defined as an inability to behave and act in accordance with circumstances. It is actually a dissociation between perception, behavior and experience. The patient's relationship with reality is changing.
10- Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by disturbances in thought processes and inhibition of typical emotional reaction. Frequently seen symptoms include hearing hallucinations, paranoid and bizarre delusions as well as thoughts and speech disorders, most often associated with impaired social interaction.